08 February 2012

Indonesia Quiz Answers

Hello, friends!

Here is our last quiz answer blog for a while (at least, we anticipate it will be). These are relevant to Indonesia's Quiz. Congrats to Albert and Kimberly for winning!

1. What does "kelapa" mean? (hint - it's Indonesian).
     c. Coconut
Isaac and a coconut in Cambodia.
(C) Isaac and Kirstie Bickford
2. On which island do most Indonesians live? (If you say "the one that has the most people," you fail.)
     Java. According to Wikipedia, Java is the world's most populous island!!

3. Fill in the blank: Papua New Guinea + Papua = _______________
     New Guinea. The island of New Guinea consists of two halves: Papua New Guinea and Papua. We're not quite sure how that adds up...

Sorry for this not-very-exciting post. We've been away from the internet machine for a while because WE'RE IN ECUADOR! We'll have some more news on that front very soon!

..Kirstie and Isaac..

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