25 September 2011

Arrival in Bangkok!

After a long journey--over 26 hours in airports and airplanes!--we made it to Thailand! Highlight for the trip was a TSA agent in the Tucson airport who reminded us to take off our shoosies before we went through the metal detector. We'd like to thank everyone who helped us get here, whether through financial support, through prayer, or by buying us food or letting us stay in their house. We've been overwhelmed by the kindness of our friends and family.

In our Hotel in Bangkok
(C) Isaac and Kirstie Bickford
So far we've been getting un-jetlagged and will meet up with the rest of our group this evening for dinner and to get to know one another better and to learn more about our next steps (we've been told there's everything from Thai food to Irish pub food within walking distance). We'll be in Bangkok until early October when we'll attend a conference to learn more about what LEAD Asia is doing in Thailand and to meet some LEAD staff and partners.

In other news, we've been invited to join the Peace Corps! We've accepted and will leave mid-January for Ecuador. This is exactly what we were hoping and praying for as it gives us some time in the US after we get back from Asia, but we won't have too much waiting-around time. We'll discuss our future with the Peace Corps more in a future update.

Right now we have excellent access to Internet, and we'd love to hear from you! You can comment on this post or email us--it will mean a lot to hear from our stateside friends while we're across the ocean from home.

..Kirstie & Isaac..


  1. Good to hear about your trip! We are praying for you. Can't wait to hear more about it and see more pictures. I was surprised by the dreads...super cool! Mike & Michelle and family

  2. So glad to hear you made it safely. Curious about the rest of the story with the TSA agent in Tucson. God bless you guys!


  3. Thanks M&M! TJ, the TSA agent was just a very cool older woman with a good sense of humor. She told the man ahead of us to stand behind the "tapey mark" and then called shoes "shoosies" (shoozies?). It was a nice, friendly, goofy way to start our trip!
