20 October 2011

To the Philippines! (Plus Thailand Quiz Answers)

Here are the answers to Thailand's quiz!

1. What in the world is a tuktuk?
      b. A form of cheap transportation

A tuktuk in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
(C) Isaac and Kirstie Bickford
The tuktuk in the photo is actually from Cambodia, not Thailand, but it's kind of the same idea. The difference is that, in Cambodia, you ride in a trailer pulled by a motorbike, and in Thailand tuktuks are kind of their own vehicle and have 1 seat instead of two. In both places, they're cheaper than taxis. Tuktuks aren't as regulated as taxis, so you want to make sure your driver knows exactly where to go, and agree on a price beforehand.

2. What is the official Thai currency AND the current exchange rate?
The official Thai currency is Thai Baht. The exchange rate is about 30 Baht to 1 USD. The banknotes are very beautiful!

Photo by Oxag.

Here is some more interesting money info: In Thailand it is very disrespectful to step on money or misuse it because it has the image of the King on it, and he is very important to Thai people. This applies to more than just money, but it's really interesting to think about coming from a US perspective - most of us don't think twice about who or what is on our money on a day to day basis, nor do we care.

3. In regard to sports, Thailand is known as the ____________ Capital of Asia.
Thailand is known as the Golf Capital of Asia! Go figure, huh? For those of you who are golfers and are interested in Thailand, you can check out this website for more info.

In other news, we're off to the Philippines! We're flying through Bangkok and should arrive in Manila tomorrow. We'll keep you updated when possible!

..Kirstie & Isaac..

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