31 October 2011

Why Dreadlocks Anyway?

A friend of ours recently sent an email to ask my reasons for having dreadlocks. I have never given anyone a detailed explanation of my reasons, but I will try to do so here.

January 2009 - Isaac ready to start dreadlocks.
(C) Isaac and Kirstie Bickford

During my freshman year of college, I thought about getting dreadlocks simply because I think they look really nice when they are carefully maintained and kept clean. I did a lot of research and talked with several people who had dreadlocks. My dorm RA (dreadlocks to the middle of his back) gave me a very succinct piece of advice: “Don’t get dreadlocks. Your mom will hate them, and people will ask you for drugs.”
In the best tradition of college freshman, I of course ignored my RA’s advice. After talking with Kirstie and getting her support, I decided to get dreadlocks shortly after our wedding in January 2009. My lovely bride spent 10 hours tangling my hair and on February 8, 2009 I finally had dreadlocks. But what started out as a fashion preference has grown to be much more for me.

Nothing fashionable about this...but the locking process takes time.
(C) Isaac and Kirstie Bickford
First, my hair is a symbol of how God works. He takes people who are a tangled mess and turns them into something beautiful. But it’s not just a one-time fix – we must maintain an open, daily relationship with Him or we quickly digress. It’s just the same with dreadlocks – I have to maintain and wash my hair regularly to keep it clean and orderly
Second, it reminds me of how every person is unique, even with their imperfections. No two people’s dreadlocks are exactly the same, nor are two of my dreadlocks identical. Each one has its quirks, awkward bends, strange tips, and pattern of flexible and stiff parts. Each one is so unique that my awareness of some of my locks is like knowing where my nose is – I can put my finger right on a particular lock without looking or feeling around. I have grown to love the imperfections in each of my locks. This is a good reminder to not be too quick in trying to change things in other people. Sometimes those quirks are the things that make them who they are!
Third, my hair reminds me of the danger of stereotypes. When most people think about dreadlocks, they think of grease, mildew, bugs, and drug use. I’m proud that my hair is as hygienic as it was before I got dreadlocks. And I have never used illegal drugs and never will. When people get to know me, I think it helps them overcome their prejudice about this hairstyle. I hope that this lesson will help them break their assumptions about more meaningful things. I love it when visitors comment to me at church in Flagstaff that if this church lets a guy with dreadlocks in the worship team, it must be an open-minded place. Instead of seeing Christians as judgmental and uptight, they get to see our love and acceptance because of the way my church accepts me as I am.
Finally, my hair has given me a longer focus than most people have. In a world where fashion changes overnight, I haven’t combed my hair in over thirty months. Through developing patience in something so trivial as my hairstyle, I have learned to be patient in other areas. Even though my relationship with Christ is not always easy, I know he has wonderful things planned for me, both in my time on earth and after I die.

Phil, I hope this answers your question. Thanks for giving me the motivation to put these thoughts into words! If anyone has other questions about my hair, feel free to comment on this post and ask away!


  1. You forgot to mention the association of dreadlocks with BO. Thankfully I have not noticed that one on you either.

  2. I never knew there could be so much theology in a hairstyle. Thanks for posting. This was a fascinating insight into dreads, and a beautifully transparent post. :-)

  3. Dad and sister (Naomi), thanks for your support about my hair. Kimberly, I'm glad you learned something from reading!

    Thanks for taking the time to read through this long and picture-free post (sorry, we are really trying to make most posts more exciting than this), and for posting comments! It's really nice for us to know people are reading our blog!


  4. For some reason the dreads look really appropriate on you to my eye. I hope they continue to function in your travels. :)
